Northern Ireland

Ireland’s book of condolence for Palestinians killed in Gaza blocked by pro-Israel groups

MEMO | May 21, 2018 A request by the Irish Republican Party, Sinn Fein, to open a book of condolence in Belfast city council for Palestinians killed in Gaza last week was blocked by Unionists allied with the Northern Ireland Friends of Israel group. Denouncing the book of condolence as “deeply shameful”, the Israeli lobby […]

Poll Shows More Britons Favoring Brexit Than Keeping Northern Ireland

Sputnik – March 27, 2018 Opinion surveys have shown British attitudes becoming increasingly fragmented and polarized, with radically different views about the country’s future. A poll commissioned by the London-based LBC Radio station and published on March 26 has shown that a greater proportion of the British population support prioritizing the United Kingdom’s exit from the European Union than retaining […]

The plight of Irish political prisoners

PressTVUK | January 8, 2018 The incarceration of Irish political prisoners in British prisons in the North of Ireland is rarely discussed in the mainstream media. In this special report recently televised, Press TV in partnership with ‘Crimes of Britain’ examine the plight of Irish political prisoners in including allegations of internment and torture.

London Mayor moves to ban Hezbollah

The Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan has moved to ban support for Hezbollah in Britain. This is not only an attack on free speech but a totally one-sided attempt to silence global opposition to imperialism and occupation.
Hezbollah is a political party in Lebanon with supporters and well wishers across the world. Hezbollah currently has 12 seats in the Lebanese Parliament and 2 cabinet ministers.

GEORGE GALLOWAY: Northern Ireland party like Ku Klux Klan

Veteran anti-war campaign and long time British Member of Parliament George Galloway has slammed the fledgling British Prime Minister Theresa May’s deal with the Northern Irish Protestant faction DUP (Democratic Unionist Party) which will see the UK government pour over £ 1 billion into Northern Ireland in exchange for the DUP propping up May’s Parliamentary minority.

Britain’s Real Terror Apologists

Despite a vicious smear campaign to denigrate Britain’s Labour leader as a “terrorist sympathizer,” Jeremy Corbyn still pulled off an amazing achievement in the general election.
Hardly has a politician in any Western state been so vilified with character assassination, and yet he has proven to be most popular Labour leader in Britain since the Second World War.