North Korea

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahToday is the 1-year anniversary of the consummation of Trump's love for Kim Jong un behind closed doors. There were no witnesses meeting with Kim where he most likely made some private deals and asked Kim to use North Korea's prowess in computer hacking to help him win reelection this fall. All you have to do to surmise what went on is ask yourself who and what the two men are and how they operate.I hereby present the above clip in honor of Donald J. Trump's bullshit North Korean photo op and sell out of our country to yet another dictator who he worships and grovels before.

Three New Reads – June

Was Pyongyang’s destruction this month of a border town ‘liaison office’ – touted as symbol of reconciliation but in reality lacking the truth component – a further manifestation of Kim Jong Un irrationality? What game is Washington playing, yet again by proxy, in India’s mountainous and disputed border with China? And do black lives matter or don’t they?

The Korean War Atrocities No One Wants to Talk About

For decades they covered up the U.S. massacre of civilians at No Gun Ri and elsewhere. This is why we never learn our lessons.
June 25th was the 70th anniversary of the start of the Korean War. Hundreds of thousands of American soldiers fought bravely in that war, and almost 37,000 were killed. But the media is ignoring perhaps the war’s most important lesson: the U.S. government has almost unlimited sway to hide its own war crimes.

Second Wave, Hot Wars, Media Most Foul – New World Next Week

This week on the New World Next Week: The second wave gets set to explode across the world as things heat up in America and the ChiComs crack down on Beijing; the geopolitical explosions mount as China and India battle on the border and Best Korea blows up a building; and Robert Zimmerman bravely speaks to the New York Times about the events of 57 years ago . . . kind of.

Interview 1556 – New World Next Week with James Evan Pilato

[audio mp3=""][/audio]This week on the New World Next Week: The second wave gets set to explode across the world as things heat up in America and the ChiComs crack down on Beijing; the geopolitical explosions mount as China and India battle on the border and Best Korea blows up a building; and Robert Zimmerman bravely speaks to the New York Times about the events of 57 years ago . . . kind of.

The rise of North Korea’s Kim Yo Jong (Video)

The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and Editor-in-Chief Alexander Mercouris discuss the latest statements from the sister of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un who said it is “high time” to break relations with South Korean authorities, adding the next action against the “enemy” will come from the army.
It’s better to take a series of retaliatory measures rather than release statements condemning South Korea’s behavior, and which could be misinterpreted or dismissed, Kim Yo Jong said via the official Korean Central News Agency on Saturday.

Anti-Communism is a Fundamentalist Religion now followed by Millions

150 years ago, on April 21, 1870, Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov, alias Lenin, was born. According to many, he was the greatest revolutionary of all times, a man who gave birth to both internationalism and anti-imperialism.
It is time to “revisit Communism”. It is also time to ask some basic, essential questions:

How is it possible that a system so logical, progressive, and so superior to what is, up till now, governing the world, failed to permanently overthrow the nihilism and brutality of capitalism, imperialism and neo-colonialism?