North Korea Summit

Peace on Korean Peninsula within reach, if only Trump can remove Pompeo & Bolton (Video)

RT CrossTalk host Peter Lavelle and The Duran’s Alex Christoforou discuss the results of the Putin-Kim summit in Vladivostok, Russia, aimed at boosting bilateral ties between the two neighboring countries, as well as working to contribute to a final peace settlement on the Korean peninsula.
Putin’s meeting with Kim may prove to be a pivotal diplomatic moment, as North Korea continues to work towards normalizing ties with the U.S. amidst ongoing denuclearization talks with the Trump White House.

End of Obama’s World Order. Enter Trump’s World Order (Video)

With a historic week at the Toronto G7, and a North Korean summit in Singapore, now in the history books, it is more clear than ever that POTUS Trump is tearing down Obama’s neo-liberal “new world order” and replacing it with a “newer” world order that is closer aligned to realpolitik pragmatism, rather than his predecessors eight years of identity politics, moral exceptionalism, and humanitarian wars.

Pro-War Liberals Resist Trump’s Modest Accomplishments at North Korea Summit

SENTOSA ISLAND, SINGAPORE – The summit between the leaders of the United States and the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea at Singapore’s Sentosa Island has come and gone. While it may not have been the comprehensive solution to all outstanding issues between the two countries, it surely has lived up to the hype befitting a historic occasion.