North Carolina

Can North Carolina Democrats Replace Unpopular Obstructionist Richard Burr (R) With Deborah Ross (D)?

North Carolina Senator Richard Burr isn't all that popular back home and he'll have to face the voters in November in a race against former state Rep. and former North Carolina head of the ACLU, Deborah Ross. Last week, each won their respective primaries, Burr with 437,136 votes (61.9%) and Ross with 445,772 votes (63.3%). As of the February 24 FEC deadline Burr had spent $2,693,982 on his race and Ross had spent $635,999 on hers.


If you're anything like me, at least politically, you're probably talking with friends who are sympathetic with Bernie's platform but absolutely positive that nominating him would be suicidal for the Democratic party. They assert that they don't trust Hillary or like her but that she's the only protection we have against Herr Trumpf, Cruz or Rubio.

Alan Grayson Introduces A Constitutional Amendment To End Gerrymandering

Isn't it time to end the anti-democratic practice of gerrymandering? No, it's actually past time-- way past time. In 2012, for example, 59,645,531 Americans (48.8%) voted for Democrats running for Congress and 58,228,253 (47.6%) voted for Republicans. In a mathematically perfect world, the Democrats would have 213 seats and the Republicans would have 207 seats. That would have been a reflection of the popular will.

Win! Industrial Hemp Now Legal in North Carolina

Numerous industries would benefit from the industrialization of hemp as they once did in America. But thanks to the federal government, this widely-diverse crop has been highly underutilized, even despite the fact that it is entirely different than psychoactive marijuana. But now in a huge game-changing move for the US, North Carolina has recently legalized the cultivation and manufacturing of industrial hemp.

Don't Expect To See Clay Aiken Run For Congress Again

The Esquire Network just finished running the 4-hour documentary on American Idol runner-up Clay Aiken's congressional run against Republican Renee Ellmers in a very gerrymandered North Carolina district. The documentary was cut up into episodes and shown as a series. It wasn't very good... but I kept watching anyway. There's a piece of one of the last episodes above.

Ever Wonder Why Pelosi Pushes A Woman Theme So Heavily-- A Counterbalance To Rahm's Ugly Sexism

overcompensating tiny ballet dancer, Rahm EmanuelNo one has a worse record of candidate recruitment than Steve Israel-- although when you consider that almost all of Rahm Emanuel's recruited candidates were subsequently defeated for reelection or forced to resign rather than face certain defeat, you can see a clear bridge between the two machiavellian clownish DCCC chairs. Emanuel, a classic runt-bully type, was always good at p.r.