Nord Stream 2

The Crisis in Ukraine is a Planetary Crisis Provoked by the U.S. that Threatens Nuclear War

Let us begin a conversation in response to what currently qualifies as the most profound question, the one that needs most urgently to be addressed if we are to have any chance of understanding what we conveniently refer to as the “Ukraine crisis.” This is, more accurately, a planetary crisis—close in magnitude to the near-certainty […]

When Did the Ukraine War Begin?

Viewing the Ukraine war as starting with the current Russian invasion leads to very different conclusions than if you consider that the starting point of this war was the 2014 US-orchestrated coup in Ukraine. The coup, which had elements of an authentic popular revolt, has been used by outside powers to pursue geopolitical ends. The […]
The post When Did the Ukraine War Begin? first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Blackwater mercenaries training far-right militia in Ukraine, Donetsk military commander claims

Published on Jan 31st this article gives crucial insight into the reasons for the current conflict in Ukraine: EARS of a US invasion of Ukraine’s breakaway Donbass region have been raised amid allegations that the controversial Blackwater private security company — since renamed Academi — is training mercenaries for the task. Deputy chief-of-staff of the Donetsk People’s Republic militia Eduard […]

Nord Stream 2 is a double-edged geopolitical tool

When Pavel Zavalny, the chairman of Russian parliamentary committee on energy, made the forecast last Friday that Nord Stream 2 pipeline could start shipping natural gas to Germany as early as next month, it was received with disbelief. But Zavalny was categorical, and was quoted by Reuters as saying, “I can say with a high degree of certainty that the[Read More...]

A face-off over Nord Stream 2

The Russian President Vladimir Putin will be delivering “an informative and very important speech and then take part in a plenary discussion” on Wednesday in Moscow at the Russian Energy Week, an international forum on the global energy sector.  Expectations are running high in the energy circles in Europe and in America. Europe is experiencing an energy crisis with burgeoning[Read More...]

Nord Stream 2 : Les États-Unis exhortent l’Ukraine à rester calme au sujet du pipeline russe

L’administration Biden demande à une Ukraine mécontente de ne pas faire de vagues, alors qu’un accord sur le gazoduc entre la Russie et l’Allemagne est en passe d’être conclu. Source : Politico, Betsy Woodruff Swan, Alexander Ward et Andrew Desiderio Traduit par les lecteurs du site Les-Crises Dans le cadre de négociations tendues avec Berlin […]