
Liberal Dems snagged for revealing playbook for Supreme Court nominee XX

The liberal left in the United States does know one thing. They know that President Trump is pushing them out of dominance. They know that his picks for any Supreme Court nominee will be constitutionalists, and not activists. And, they know that such people are not usually interested in activist, “living document” interpretation of the country’s founding document.

LIONEL PODCAST: The Illusion of Rand Paul

The illusion. Look, he’s got a great policy on smoking dope. Big deal. Look back to Bill Buckley, Milton Friedman and George Schultz — arch-conservative paleocons — and they were for the legalization of all drugs before Rand could make a fist. He’s articulate, seemingly more in touch with reality than Ted Cruz, bt the again so is my Aunt Phoebe, so what!
Listen up, Spicoli, it’s about more than dope. Review and research carefully to what he’s said and not said. Yes, above and beyond his weed policy.