
Following Trump Sanctions and Tariff Storm More Nations Ditch the Dollar

When US President Donald Trump re-imposed sanctions on Iran last week, he warned that any company doing deals with the Iranians in dollars would also be subject to sanctions.
Several Russian companies are also under US sanctions, while Trump’s tweet last week doubling tariffs on imports of Turkish steel has caused Turkey’s currency to crash more than 20 percent against the US dollar.

Peace is a Cliché: When the West cannot Control the World Unopposed it Means War

The West likes to think of itself as a truly “peace-loving part of the world”. But is it? You hear it everywhere, from Europe to North America, then to Australia, and back to Europe: “Peace, peace, peace!”
It has become a cliché, a catchphrase, a recipe to get funding and sympathy and support. You say peace and you really cannot go wrong. It means that you are a compassionate and reasonable human being.

‘If they’re laughing, they’re listening.’ Nigeria’s new satirists

Matthew Green travels to Nigeria to meet the comedians whose sharp social commentary is helping hold leaders to account. After years of political turmoil, could satire reinvigorate a thirst for social change?
The post ‘If they’re laughing, they’re listening.’ Nigeria’s new satirists appeared first on Positive News.

Murder of Gaddafi “greatest calamity to befall Africa”- Nigerian politician

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Nigeria, Russia sign nuclear energy deal

Nigerian President Buhari has made sustainable energy production – particularly nuclear energ – a central goal of his administration [Xinhua]
Russia and Nigeria, two of the world’s major emerging markets, have signed a nuclear research and cooperation agreement on Tuesday.
Russia’s Rosatom official nuclear corporation said that the agreement was signed on the sidelines of the International Ministerial Conference on Nuclear Power in the 21st Century, held in Abu Dhabi, UAE.
The conference is held under the auspices of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).