nicole brown

Porkins Policy Radio episode 172 The final word on the OJ trial with Pat McKenna and Brian Heiss

Filmmaker Brian Heiss and legendary private investigator Pat McKenna joined me for one final on the OJ Simpson case and trial. We talked mainly about the scientific side of the investigation. We talked about the LAPD’s Scientific Investigation Division which was in charge of all of the DNA evidence. Brian touched on the SID’s incredibly unprofessional and sloppy techniques. We talked about the incredibly high crime rate at the time in LA and the intense pressure the SID was under to deliver results.

Porkins Policy Radio episode 132 Brain Heiss on Brett Cantor, Enty and Epstein, Andrew Cunanan murders

Good friend Brian Heiss of joins us once again for a wide ranging discussion. We start by talking about a bizarre revelation in Rose McGowan’s new book that she dated Ronald Goldman’s friend Brett Cantor. In her new book Brave McGowan talks about dating Brett Cantor when she was 19 years old. Brian talks about Brett Cantor and his nightclub the Dragonfly. A club that Goldman worked at as a party promoter, and a place that Nicole Simpson frequented. We discuss Cantor’s murder and the similarities it has with the murder of Nicole and Ronald.

Porkins Policy Radio episode 62 OJ Simpson Theories and Lies with Brian Heiss and Ed Opperman

Today we continue our series looking at the 21st anniversary of the OJ Simpson trial with return guests Brian Heiss and Ed Opperman. The three of us explore a wide variety of theories surrounding the case. We begin by looking at some of the false theories put out again and again by the media such as, Jason Simpson or Glenn Rogers as the killer. Next we move onto the issue of Joey Ippolito being behind the murder and his connections to all of the principle and secondary persons involved in the case.

Porkins Policy Radio episode 61 21 years later: The Legacy of the OJ Simpson with Stephen Singular

Today we kick-start our series of shows focusing on the 21st anniversary of the OJ trial by talking with frequent guest Stephen Singular. Stephen and I begin by discussing his experiences working on the trial. We then move on to the impact that this has had on society at large. We discuss the impact that the media has had on conditioning us to have a particular emotional response to the OJ Simpson trial and it’s outcome.

Porkins Policy Radio episode 53 Brian Heiss on OJ Simpson: Veritas The Fuhrman Tapes

Today I spoke with researcher Brian Heiss about his work looking into the OJ Simpson trial. We discuss Brian’s excellent film OJ Veritas: The Furhman Tapes, and the impact and role that Fuhrman played during the trial. Brian and I also discuss his comprehensive timeline of the murder, which plainly show how OJ could not have murdered Nicole Brown and Ronald Goldman. We also discuss some of our general theories on the case. We will be talking again with Brian soon to expand on these ideas.