Nicolas Sarkozy

Laurent Gbagbo à la CPI, entretien avec son conseiller Bernard Houdin

Alors que Laurent Gbagbo est actuellement jugé à la Cour Pénale Internationale à la Haye, nous avons souhaité rencontrer Bernard Houdin, un des conseillers de l’ancien président ivoirien. Pour mieux comprendre comment la Côte d’Ivoire en est arrivée là, nous remontons dans le temps, jusqu’à la mort de Félix Houphouët-Boigny en 1993.

Pseudo-leftist Cognitive Policing on Race

In order to fully comprehend the implications of the US/Israeli strategy of weakening Europe through a divide and rule policy of artificial mass migrations, the questions of race and demography need to be looked at more closely. For Israel is a racist nation-state. It is the world’s only nation state based on a strict interpretation of racial identity.

Les emails de Hillary Clinton confirment l’ignominie de la destruction de la Libye

La publication, en cette nouvelle année, de plus de 3000 emails de Hillary Clinton datant de sa période au State Department a fait buzzer CNN sur ses bavardages en texte, en plein processus de sélection de « qui accompagne Hillary » sous l’organisation de son équipe de campagne, et comment une « mignonne » photo de Hillary s’est retrouvée sur Facebook.

International Monetary Fund’s Rogues Gallery

The IMF is the leading international monetary agency whose public purpose is to maintain the stability of the global financial system through loans linked to proposals designed to enhance economic recovery and growth.
In fact, the IMF has been under the control of the US and Western European states and its policies have been designed to further the expansion, domination and profits of their leading multi-national corporations and financial institutions.

The Farce of Western Free Speech

Speaking outside Elysée Palace in the aftermath of this week’s terror killings in France, former President Nicolas Sarkozy condemned the violence as “an attack on civilization.” Coiffured, sun-tanned and nattily dressed, Sarkozy’s solemn words made him appear like the embodiment of civility.
That’s a quaint turn in etiquette by a politician who is mired in allegations of sleaze and corruption, as well as war crimes.

No War for Bernard Henri Lévy

By DIANA JOHNSTONE | CounterPunch | September 3, 2013

The American people do not want US armed forces to get involved in the civil war in Syria. The United Nations will not back US bombing of Syria. The British Parliament does not want to get involved in bombing Syria. World public opinion is opposed to US bombing Syria. Not even NATO wants to take part in bombing Syria. So who wants the United States to bomb Syria?