Nick Kristof

How To Learn What's In A Congressman's Heart And Soul-- Let's Take Rubio And Loebsack

That's Matrco Rubio's first national TV ad and it shows clearly he's not ceding any ground to Trump or Cruz when it comes to fascist bent the Republicans have been increasingly adopting in recent weeks. He's going all the out with a tried-and-true, simplistic scaremongering strategy in the slick 30-second spot, A Civilizational Struggle.

Traveling And Living Abroad

Howie, into the Sahara DesertI don't recall there being any blondes in the part of Brooklyn where I grew up. When I got to college, one of my first girlfriends was blonde-- when her head wasn't shaved. She was from an aristocratic Alabama plantation family… but she had broken free-- got a job as a model, enrolled in a state university and dropped a lot of acid. I never have been able too figure out what she saw in me, but I'll never forget her. My first trip "abroad" was with her.