Nicholas Maduro

Shock and awe strategy being employed in Venezuela regime change (Video)

RT CrossTalk host Peter Lavelle and The Duran’s Alex Christoforou take a quick look at the financial and media war being waged in Venezuela, as John Bolton employs the usual U.S. weapons of regime change to tighten the screws on Maduro and his embattled government.
Will Maduro survive the US onslaught to emerge in tact, or will Venezuela slide quickly into chaos and civil war or slowly drift into a frozen quagmire of a nation state?

Forget Bolton’s notepad trolling, the real danger to Venezuela is neocon Elliott Abrams (Video)

The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and Editor-in-Chief Alexander Mercouris discuss US national security advisor John Bolton holding a notepad with the words visibly scribbled for all the world to see, “5,000 troops to Colombia”, while he was attending a press conference to announce more sanctions to be imposed on Venezuela.
When the White House was asked to explain what was written on the notepad…the response, “as the president has said, all options are on the table”.

When Is a Democracy not a Democracy? When It’s Venezuela and the US is Pushing Regime Change

CARACAS, VENEZUELA — (Opinion) Venezuela has as much right to call itself a democracy as does the United States. Until that is understood by enough people, the Trump administration will continue to devastate Venezuela’s economy with illegal sanctions and push it towards civil war. People can oppose President Donald Trump’s economic sanctions and incitement of a military coup without acknowledging President Nicolas Maduro’s democratic legitimacy, but by not acknowledging his legitimacy they needlessly weaken their position.

Washington Follows Ukraine, Syria Roadmap in Push for Venezuela Regime Change

CARACAS, VENEZUELA — Since the decision of the Trump administration on Wednesday to recognize a member of the Venezuelan opposition, Juan Guaidó, as an unelected “interim president,” the situation in the South American country has become increasingly tense, with efforts to force the current government of Venezuela — led by Nicolás Maduro — out of power having grown in intensity over the past few days.