NGO war-mongers

Life under fire in Syria: interview with Eva Bartlett

Sep 2, 2016,

“Since 2008, Eva has spent more than 3 years in Gaza documenting Palestinian life under Israeli rule. She has also visited Lebanon and, since 2014, has just come back from her 5th trip to Syria, the latter for 9 weeks, to bring back firsthand accounts of what daily life is like for the Syrian people who have been subjected to a Western imperial war for the past over 5 years.”
Some Related Links:

Aleppo Reverend’s Plea to the World To Stop Terrorists’ Attacks, Support Syrian Army [ENGLISH]

Reverend Ibrahim Nasir is the spiritual leader of the Arabic Evangelical (Presbyterian) Church in Aleppo [listen also to his July 2014 speech]
Highlights from Rev. Nasir’s message (directed at President Obama):
“Is this your standards of humanity? To see people are killed in the city of Aleppo, to see babies are killed in the wombs of their mothers.

Hospitals Bombed: Aleppo Burning Under “moderate” terrorists’ Bombs

Last week I shared the update of my Syrian friend, then in Aleppo, who began with the words, “Aleppo is burning”.  Anti-Syria propagandists have attempted to hijack those words for their White Helmet, blame-Assad propaganda[Update: Vanessa Beeley at 21st Century Wire: “#AleppoIsBurning Campaign Created by US and NATO to Facilitate a “No Bomb Zone”“].