
Zionist Canada bows to the holocaust religion

Harper and his lackeys in Parliament have incessantly praised the apartheid state of Israel (a nation birthed through ethnic cleansing and mass terror) and have vehemently denounced those who challenge or criticize Israeli imperialism and state-terrorism.


By Brandon Martinez

Officials of the Harper regime recently announced the construction of a new “holocaust” monument in Ottawa set to be completed in the fall of 2015.

Major Media Expose Of Israeli Attacks On Palestinian Children

Stone Cold Justice” about the brutal practices used by the Israeli, military occupation, forces against Palestinian children. The program was aired several times on national Australian TV in February, 2014. It will never see the light of day in the controlled, American media. So, after watching this, bypass the US ” lame stream” media and recommend it to a friend.


Do not vote for a friend of Israel, Lawson tells Europeans

“…In the name of beleaguered Palestinians and the Syrians or any other people that Israel is determined to dominate or crash, as well as for the sake of your own humanity… in the upcoming European Parliamentary elections, do not vote for a friend of Israel,” Lawson said in a video posted on Intifada Palestine website.

The Big Lie: Israel wants a Peace Agreement with the Palestinians.

 Peace agreement  is an anathema to Israel and contradicts its Zionist goal of a “Greater Israel”. In such a nation there is no room or accommodation for Palestinians and Arabs from the Nile River to the west, to the Lebanese LItani River in the north, and the Euphrates River to the east.

by Mohamed Khodr


As world opinion turns, Israeli soldiers parade their tyranny

This mirrors a more general ideological shift to the right in Israeli society as global sympathy for the Palestinians grows. The world may consider us oppressors, say Israelis, but we refuse to act the part of the guilty: we will proudly parade our tyranny instead.
Israeli society, like its soldiers, is caught in a self-destructive cycle: its very sensitivity to criticism pushes it ever more resolutely towards outcast status.