
UN: Four million Syrians could starve as aid delivery lags

 UN: Four million Syrians could starve as aid delivery lags
A volunteer shares out food to the people in the Bab al-Salam refugee camp for displaced Syrians near the border with Turkey on 2 July 2013. (Photo: AFP – JM Lopez)
 Four million Syrians, a fifth of the population, are unable to produce or buy enough food to survive, the United Nations said on Friday.

Quo vadis, Palestine? … as PLO prepares to get bogged down (again) in bogus US-Israel negotiations

Quo vadis, Palestine? … as PLO prepares to get bogged down (again) in bogus US-Israel negotiations

 by Stuart Littlewood  – Intifada Palestine
The Palestinian embassy in London has just issued a rare media briefing. It asks “WHAT IS NEEDED FOR THE RESUMPTION OF CREDIBLE NEGOTIATIONS?” and tries to explain the Palestinian position.