
Israeli Army Kidnaps A Disabled Palestinian, Throw His Wheelchair

Israeli soldiers violently attacked and kidnapped a disabled Palestinian man, in the southern West Bank city of Hebron, after forcing him into their jeep, and threw his wheelchair away.

Thursday Evening, May 22, 2014] Israeli soldiers violently attacked and kidnapped a disabled Palestinian man, in the southern West Bank city of Hebron, after forcing him into their jeep, and threw his wheelchair away.

In Ukraine, the US is dragging us towards war with Russia

A pro-Russian activist with a shell casing and a US-made meal pack that fell from a Ukrainian army APC in an attack on a roadblock on 3 May in Andreevka, Ukraine. Photograph: Scott Olson/Getty

“Since 1945, the US has tried to overthrow more than 50 governments, many democratically elected. The Pentagon currently runs “special operations” in 124 countries.”



Israel’s Water Genocide

 The Israeli government uses such denial of water to trigger people displacement, particularly in areas slated for colonial expansion, especially since these communities are mostly farmers, who depend on water for their livelihoods. Cutting off Palestinian communities from their water resources usually precedes dispossession of land for new colonial projects.


Ukraine in Turmoil. War May Come at any Time

On a personal level, Putin faces a hard choice. Russian nationalists will not forgive him if he surrenders Ukraine without a fight. The US and EU threaten the very life of the Russian president, as their sanctions are hurting Putin’s close associates, encouraging them to get rid or even assassinate the President and improve their relations with the mighty West. 


Syria: Light at the End of the Tunnel

The West’s failure in Syria is not an isolated event. Under the scrutiny of an increasingly aware global audience, what the West has attempted in Iraq, Libya, and now Syria, will cost it immensely when next it tries to subvert the political order of a foreign nation. In Ukraine now, this is demonstrated very clearly.


Ukraine Crisis Goes Nuclear

“Whether NATO is in fact attempting to intentionally create threats to Ukraine’s nuclear power plants as a pretext to intervene more directly in Ukraine or not is irrelevant. It is directly supporting the regime in Kiev that had organized and continues to perpetuate Right Sector who is currently creating such threats. However, with NATO being behind the chemical attack in Damascus, Syria in August of 2013 – the idea of NATO fabricating a similar pretext in Ukraine is not beyond the realm of possibilities…”