
Papal Tour a Fizzer

 What a feather in the Zionist cap! A Catholic pope honouring Herzl the Zionist atheist! Francis’ rabbi friend, Abraham Skorka  was spot on when he noted that it ‘could be understood as a nod to Zionism’. It was much more than a nod. For the gleeful Netanyahu gang, it was an imprimatur on the expansionism of Greater Israel negating Francis’ two-state solution.


Open Letter from U.S. Senator Richard H. Black to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad


“My personal thanks to the Syrian Arab Army and Air Force for protecting all patriotic Syrians, including religious minorities, raped, tortured, kidnapped and beheaded at the hands of the foreign jihadists”……Senator Richard H. Black  of Virginia, 13th District


Turkish court orders arrest of four Israeli generals over Mavi Marmara

 A Turkish court has ordered the arrest of four Israeli commanders who were allegedly involved in the raid on the the Mavi Marmara aid ship off Gaza in 2010. The court will ask Interpol to issue international arrest warrants for the four men.

A Turkish court has ordered the arrest of four Israeli commanders who were allegedly involved in the raid on the the Mavi Marmara aid ship off Gaza in 2010.

Why boycotting Israel is so important and necessary

Image above: Students celebrate victory of DePaul divestment resolution. DEPAUL DIVEST


“DePaul students don’t want their tuition dollars invested in weapons manufacturers who supply the Israeli government, army and prison services”  The Palestinians have been robbed of everything, including their freedom. Why should they be asked to make more “concessions” to the thief?  That is why Boycotting Israel is so important and necessary


Jerusalem Christians send SOS message to Pope Francis I

Jerusalem Christians were 24,000 before Israel occupied East Jerusalem in 1967. Today, we are less than 9,000! This is due to displacement, house confiscation and demolitions, revocation and denial of residency rights and restrictions of movement. We have become an isolated community, economically and socially as a result of Israeli laws against family re-unification, and torn apart by the separation wall. This is the truth of Jerusalem Christians today.