
The Charlatanism of Palestine-Denial

The Charlatanism of Palestine-Denial 
Vacy Vlazna
Here we go again. On Israel and the US losing their UNESCO voting rights, ‘Israel’s ambassador to UNESCO, Nimrod Barkan, ‘said in an interview that his country supports the U.S. decision [to suspend contributions], “objecting to the politicization of UNESCO, or any international organization, with the accession of a non-existing country like Palestine.” (AP  8-11-13)

BDS won’t work, Zio leaders tell Methodists…

 BDS won’t work, Zio leaders tell Methodists…          

by Stuart Littlewood
Of course, it wasn’t going to be long before the Board of Deputies of British Jews (BoD) stuck their oar into the Methodists’ big debate on BDS (Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions) against Israel, which included a public consultation questionnaire.

Arafat’s Death – There’s really no mystery

Arafat’s Death – There’s really no mystery

by Alan Hart
For once Israel is telling a part of the truth. It was impossible for any of its own (Israeli-Jewish) agents to get into the rubble of Arafat’s compound to administer the poison that killed him. But they didn’t need direct access. Israel’s role was to provide the radioactive polonium for one of its collaborators in Fatah’s leadership.

Israeli Bombers: Al Qaeda’s Air Force

Israeli Bombers:  Al Qaeda’s Air Force

James Petras
Israel has committed repeated acts of war against countries that opposed its Zionist policies of colonization and annexation of Palestinian territory in East Jerusalem and the West Bank.  Israeli leaders have secured arms and diplomatic support for their attacks through their Zionist proxies in the United States Congress and the Executive Branch.

Forensics reveal Arafat was killed with polonium, widow says

 Forensics reveal Arafat was killed with polonium, widow says

Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat was poisoned to death in 2004 with radioactive polonium, his widow Suha said on Wednesday after receiving the results of Swiss forensic tests on her husband’s corpse.
“We are revealing a real crime, a political assassination,” she told Reuters in Paris.