
Zionist Propaganda: Time to Set the Record Straight


The occupation of Palestine is an illegal military occupation. Settlements and outposts are illegally occupied Palestinian territories. The organized armed forces of Palestinian factions are, under the provisions of the Geneva Conventions and Hague Conventions legally formed military forces which resist an illegal military occupation.


Syrian Election is a Battle Won, But the War Goes On

After the Syrian Election , Bleeding Syria is now the agenda – which is the only reason they are still arming and training terrorists on Syria’s borders, predominantly in NATO-member Turkey to the north of Syria, and in Jordan to the south. The West is also still, very intentionally, sabotaging reconciliation and reconstruction. This is the West’s real agenda on full display – spiteful extraterritorial aggression recklessly destroying the lives of millions for the sake of maintaining global hegemony.


Understanding Israel’s Corrosive Influence on Western Democracy

 Israel has blackmailed the United States several times, the latest instance being over Iran’s nuclear program, a program which every reliable intelligence source agrees is not aimed at producing weapons. More than one Israeli source has suggested that low-yield nuclear weapons are the best way of destroying Iran’s technology, buried deeply underground, a suggestive whisper in American ears to do what Israel wants, or else.


Open Letter to Mr. Peter Robinson, Northern Ireland’s First Minister, Denouncing His Support of a Racist Islamophobic Pastor

The most shocking and disturbing Mr. Peter Robinson was your blind uninformed and ill-advised support and defense of this Pastor’s indefensible hate crime speech.   Perhaps in attending his church you’ve been exposed, or indoctrinated, by so much hate speech from this extremist evangelistic Pastor that his words seemed normal in your failed judgment. 


Historic Syrian Election Brings Multitudes of Voters

As thousands upon thousands of Syrians made their way to embassies around the world to vote, US President Obama addressed the West Point Military Academy and proclaimed that the US would “ramp up support for those in the Syrian opposition” and that the US would “coordinate with our friends and allies in Europe and the Arab World to push for a political resolution of this crisis.”  Such a stance is nonsensical.  Isn’t an election the esse