
Syria: Islamist Rebels Abduct 12 Nuns from Orthodox Monastery in Maaloula

Damascus (AsiaNews) – Islamist rebels have kidnapped a group of nuns from the Greek Orthodox monastery of St Thecla (Mar Taqla) in Maaloula (north of Damascus). Mgr Mario Zenari, the Vatican nuncio in Damascus, confirmed the information after speaking with the Greek-Orthodox Patriarchate. Through the Vatican diplomat, the latter “calls on all Catholics to pray for the women religious.”

Israel’s Veto

 by Sami Jamil Jadallah
Israel, a terrorist, illegitimate state from day one, a constant threat to world peace, a nuclear power that is a threat to its safety and that of the world including the US is the last country that can talk about the rights of other countries to have nuclear technology even nuclear weapons. No one, not God, not the UN, certainly not the US or Europe endowed Israel with a “veto’ over war and peace in the world.

Day of Palestinian Rage

By Dr. Elias Akleh
Last Friday, the 29th of November, was the annual observance of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People as dedicated by the UN General Assembly (resolution 32/40 B). On the same day Palestinians had called for “Day of Rage” demonstrations against Israeli theft of Palestinian land especially the on going theft of Naqab (Negev) area.