
Urgent Appeal to Pope Francis to help Gaza PLEASE SIGN & CIRCULATE

URGENT APPEAL: Ref: UA 22 / 13.
Gazan families are suffering. Israel and Egypt have cut off fuel supplies so that Gazans have had no electricity and vital services  for 2 months. Families, in  freezing temperatures  have no light, no heat and hospitals are overflowing while sewerage is flooding the streets and people have to be ferried  by boats and canoes.

BREAKING NEWS: Syrian rebels execute over 80 civilians outside Damascus: ‘ Christian, Druze and Alawi members of families stuffed into live bakery ovens to burn them to death.

Over 80 civilians in a town northwest of the Syrian capital of Damascus have been executed by Islamist rebels, sources within the Syrian military told RT. Many others were kidnapped to be used as human shields.