
Israel’s appalling crime-sheet for 2013…Friends of yours, Mr Cameron?

Killed 56, injured 1385, carried out 8636 raids and attacks, demolished 172 homes…

 by Stuart Littlewood
The Palestinian Embassy, for once, has done something useful and released figures that paint a shocking picture of Israel’s mega-crimes against their helpless Palestinian neighbours over the past year.

The Red-Dead seas canal

Image: courtesy Middle East Monitor
 THE agreement for the two seas Canal connecting the Red and Dead Sea was summed up best by Israeli water minister Silvan Shalam who jubilantly described it following the December 9 signing ceremony at the World Bank headquarters as “a historic agreement that realises … the dream of founder of modern Zionism (Theodore Herzl).

Jewish War Against Christmas

Father Philoumenos (Hasapis) was the Monk of the Greek Orthodox monastery of Jacob’s Well near the city of Samaria, now called Nablus (Neapolis), in the West Bank. The Saint experienced a martyric death November 16,1979 at the hands of extremist Jewish Zionists who massacred him with an ax in the evening, while he was performing Vespers at the Well of Jacob where he lived as a loyal guardian of the Holy Places and centuries old way of life.

Bethlehem story, present reality

by Finian Cunningham

The annual Christmas celebrations around the world conjure up a kaleidoscope of emotions, ranging from the sombre to the joyful, from pity to awe.
One thing often missing though from the celebrations is a connection between the original historical event – some 2,000 years ago – and how this story relates to present reality.