
‘How butcher Sharon massacred my relatives’

MY friend and I were on a cross-country flight from San Diego to Washington, DC on Saturday, September 18, 1982.
We arrived at our friends’ home with gleaming smiles, but were received with dejected expressions.
“Haven’t you heard the news?” they asked. “What news?” we replied.
“The massacre of Palestinian and Lebanese civilians in and around Sabra and Shatila camps,” was their wretched response.

A Palestinian-Hezbollah War in Lebanon?


Ain el Helweh camp, Lebanon
It’s not just the leadership of the Zionist regime still occupying Palestine, six decades after the 1948 Nakba, that appears to be salivating at the current stoking of  current tensions between the Palestinian Resistance and in some respects, its historic off-spring Hezbollah.

African truth of Israeli apartheid

by Finian Cunningham
For more than six decades since its creation in 1948, the Israeli regime has hidden its crimes against native Arab people with the façade of “national security”.
The Israeli usurpers have systematically stolen land from the native Palestinians, killed them, brutalized them, and pushed millions into exile or into squalid ghettos.