
US war plan for Europe and Russia

(PRESS TV) – The US is prepared to plunge Europe into a war with Russia in order for Washington to preserve its hegemony over the transatlantic axis.
The key issues are the prevention of Russia and Europe developing closer trade and political ties – stemming primarily from a vast trade in energy fuels; and, secondly, the survival of the American dollar as the world’s reserve currency.

Arab League impotence continues & What a mess the Arab world is in

by Alan Hart
A thought constantly in my mind, and which was reinforced by the Arab League’s 25th Summit in Kuwait, is that with Arab leaders and governments as “enemies” the Zionist state of Israel does not need friends.
The Arab League was formed in Cairo on 22 March 1945. Its six founding member states were Egypt, Iraq, Transjordan (renamed Jordan in 1949) Lebanon, Saudi Arabia and Syria. Today the Arab League has 22 members (though Syria’s membership has been suspended since November 2011).

Why BDS Should Target All Israeli Institutions

(Counterpunch) – The BDS movement (the movement for boycott, divestment, and sanctions against Israeli businesses and institutions) aims at ending the occupation, the settlements, Israeli discrimination against Palestinian Arabs, and Israel’s long-continuing exclusion from return to its territory of the Palestinians expelled and/or exiled by Israeli forces from that territory in the 1948 war.

A US Official’s ‘Blistering’—but Anonymous—Response to Israeli Insults

By Richard Edmondson
The US-Israel “special relationship” is unprecedented in world history. And not only that, it violates the laws of nature.
Never before in recorded history has a large, powerful nation come to be dominated by a small country with substantially lesser military capabilities. It has never happened. Yet such a conquest has fallen upon America.

Saudi Arabia Flexes Its Fanaticism – An Analysis by Lawrence Davidson

Part I – An Aggressive Anachronism
Saudi Arabia is one of a handful of Middle East anachronisms: a family-based monarchy that believes it sits at the right hand of God. The Saud clan that rules in Saudi Arabia is both insular and fanatic. It is devoted to the Wahhabi sect of Sunni Islam, perhaps the most strict and intolerant manifestation of the religion.