
Pour un New Deal européen – Liberation

A l’approche des élections européennes, le Printemps européen, coalition transnationale de partis de gauche, présente un programme social et écologique pour dépasser le clivage entre populistes et libéraux. Avec des propositions concrètes : plan de transition écologique de 500 milliards d’euros annuels, Assemblée constituante, fonds citoyen financé par les Gafa…

 Yánis Varoufákis pour un New Deal européen

“The EU declared war and Theresa May played along” – Interview in The NewStatesman

In 2016, shortly before the EU referendum, Yanis Varoufakis warned that the UK was destined for a “Hotel California Brexit”: it could check out but it could never leave. The former Greek finance minister spoke from experience. In 2015, his efforts to end austerity – “fiscal waterboarding” – were thwarted by the EU (a struggle recorded in his memoir Adults in the Room: My Battle With Europe’s Deep Establishment).

Greece was never bailed out and remains in debtor’s prison – Bild Zeitung interview

BILD meets Yanis Varoufakis – the man who was THE symbol of the Greek left-wing government’s resistance against the targets set by the bailout troika for the broke state of Greece. We met the professor of economics – who co-founded left-wing movement DiEM25 – in his summer house in the mountains of the sunny island of Aegina.

BILD: Mr. Varoufakis, Greece went broke ten years ago. Where does Greece stand now, after three rescue programmes, 270 billion euros in loans and two debt cuts?

Greed, ineptitude and austerity fanned the flames of the Greek wildfire – The Sunday Times

ATHENS: A biblical calamity befell the Attica region last Monday. I saw its first sign in the late morning at Athens airport, where I was seeing off my daughter to Australia. A strong whiff of burning wood caused me to look up to the sky, where a whitish-yellow sun beckoned, surrounded by the tell-tale eclipse-like daytime darkness that only thick, sky-high smoke can cause. By the early evening the news had cascaded in. Many of our friends’ and some of our relatives’ houses were destroyed in northeast Attica.

If Trump wants to blow up the world order, who will stop him? op-ed in The Guardian

Even before Donald Trump drove to tears of dismay NATO’s leaders, Theresa May, the EU’s officialdom and Washington’s own ‘intelligence community’, the writing was on the wall: Trump is methodically dismantling a world order that he no longer believes to be in the interests of the United States’ ruling class.

Mon 11 Jun 2018 16.23 BST

Complete text of my interview with Corriere Della Sera’s Aldo Cazzullo (in English)

Corriere Della Sera, the Italian daily, published today an interview that I gave to Aldo Cazzullo. For the published version (in Italian of course), you can visit the paper’s site here. However, the published text is a heavily reduced version of the exchange between Mr Cazzullo and myself. For those interested in the full exchange, see below. (Nb. the exchange took place in English)