
The Gell-Mann Amnesia Effect

Now, here's what is surprising: directly after reading this inaccurate, error-riddled report that we know to be seriously flawed, we flip the page, proceed to the next story, forget that these reporters are idiots, and go on more or less taking what we're hearing or reading at face value.
The post The Gell-Mann Amnesia Effect first appeared on The Corbett Report.

THIS is How Global Government is Run (and What's Coming Next...)

Do you know what a COP really is? And did you know that the UNFCCC's COP is not the only COP being run by the de facto global government? And did you know that the real point of the World Health Organization's (WHO) so-called "pandemic treaty" is to establish yet another COP chamber in this increasingly bloated shadow government?

Everyday Conspiracies

The last thing you want is to be cornered by one of those tinfoil hat weirdos at a party, amirite? But, hey, you're into sports, right? And social media? And entertainment? You know, everyday stuff that normal people like to talk about? Great! Because, boy, do I have some stuff to talk about with you! Don't worry, no crazy political rants here, I promise!