Newsbud Producer Pearse Redmond on: “Meeting the Billionaire Pedophile Pal of Trump, Clinton, Prince Andrew”

From underage prostitutes on Orgy Island to political royalty and the "Lolita Express," the Jeffrey Epstein case continues to unfold. Today Newsbud Team member Pearse Redmond joins us to give us the latest on the ongoing court cases surrounding the case that might still ensnare Epstein and his rich and powerful friends in an even bigger scandal. This is only one of many significant blacked out stories we will be taking on with gusto and integrity. Please do ‘Your’ share: Pledge and help us activate others to make Newsbud a reality.

Newsbud Live Google Hangouts

For the first Google Hangout yours truly is the host and our guests are Peter B Collins, Sibel Edmonds, Guillermo Jimenez, Bill Conroy, Prof. Robert McChesney, Christoph Germann, and Pepe Escobar.

For the second Newsbud Google Hangout Peter B Collins is joined by Sprio, James Corbett, Sibel Edmonds, Prof. Filip Kovacevic, Paul Jamiol, and Katie Aguilera.

Porkins Great Game ep. 12 Newsbud Special: Inside Turkey’s War in Syria

This month Christoph and I recorded a special Newsbud related episode of PGG.  We focus mainly on Turkey’s increased intervention into the Syrian War.  We discuss Christoph’s recent article in Boiling Frogs Post  analyzing this very issue.  We begin with the increased Russian airstrikes and how this has completely changed the course of the war.  Christoph and I touch on how this is being interpreted by NATO and the US.  We next move on to Turkey’s reliance on Syrian Turkmen militants to fight their proxy battle.  Christoph and I update the listeners on the Grey Wolf “Turkmen” leader  Alpars

TOR Radio: Here’s What Will Set Newsbud Apart from Other Alternative Media Outlets (Pearse Redmond & Sibel Edmonds)

From Traces of Reality:
On this edition of Traces of Reality Radio: Guillermo is joined by Sibel Edmonds, editor and publisher of Boiling Frogs Post, and Pearse Redmond, host of Porkins Policy Radio, to discuss the new media venture Newsbud. Sibel, Pearse, and Guillermo explain what sets Newsbud apart from the rest of the alternative media, and why a 100 percent reader-supported outlet is vitally necessary in today’s media landscape.

The Ochelli Effect – Sibel Edmonds and Pearse Redmond talk Newsbud and more

Sibel and I had the great pleasure of joining the one and only Chuck Ochelli on The Ochelli Effect to discuss Newsbud and the importance of true independent media.  In the first hour it is mainly Sibel talking about Newsbud, the team, and how we will be a different kind of alternative media.  In the second hour Chuck and I dive into the geopolitics of Central Asia, the Finicum shooting, Donald Trump and much more.