A Message from Sibel Edmonds: Why Newsbud

Thomas Jefferson put it simply and eloquently: An informed citizenry is at the heart of a dynamic democracy.
A core function of media is to act as the public’s independent watchdog- to keep governments, businesses and other agenda-driven organizations in check. Yet, today, our media is owned and ruled by these very same entities- Mega corporations and billionaire-funded organizations.
When billionaires and mega corporations own and rule the media you get what They pay for: Lapdog Journalism.

Newsbud: New Kickstarter Campaign

It’s the start of our new Kickstarter campaign. We have 45 days to raise $150,000, and we know we can do it with your help! Make a pledge, subscribe to Newsbud, put the word out. And please take action as soon as possible—the first few days of the campaign will be the most critical to our success.

The Ochelli Effect – Trump, Newsbud, and more

I join Chuck Ochelli once again on The Ochelli Effect.  This time around we talked quite a bit about Donald Trump and his presidential campaign.  Chuck and I discuss how Trump has managed to weather storms such as his close personal relationship with pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, and appeal to the alternative community despite his obvious problems.  We also discuss the role that white nationalists have been playing within the Trump presidential run.  We are also joined by Sibel Edmonds for an update on the Newsbud Kickstarter.