Turkey Chooses Russia over NATO in Syria

In this fifteenth edition of the Russian Newspapers Monitor, Professor Filip Kovacevic discusses the articles from four Russian newspapers: RBK, Kommersant, Izvestia, and Komsomolskaya Pravda. He discusses the record gas exports to Europe by the Russian gas giant Gazprom, the Russia-Turkey-Iran relations on the eve of the Syrian conflict resolution negotiations in Astana, the interview of the top Russian diplomat at the UN, Vitaly Churkin, and the Russian reaction to the president-elect Donald Trump’s first press conference.

German Government Responsible For Berlin Terror Attack- Parliamentary Meeting Reveals

Newsbud examines new information on the timeline and the suspect of the Berlin Christmas Market Attack. The attack raises questions about the security failures in preventing the terror attack despite knowing full well that the suspect was a ticking time bomb. Join Spiro Skouras and Christoph Germann to discuss Newsbud’s exclusive article ‘The Anis Amri Timeline: How German Authorities Allowed a Well-Known Terrorist Suspect to Strike Berlin’
*Follow us here at Newsbud Twitter

Western-Backed Chechen “Freedom Fighter” Named as Istanbul Attack Mastermind

Meet Akhmed Chatayev: Freedom Fighter - Government Informant - Most Wanted Terrorist   
First details begin to emerge about the suspected Islamic State attack on Istanbul’s Atatürk Airport that left at least 44 people dead and more than 230 injured.
A senior Turkish government official announced on Thursday that the three suicide bombers who carried out the attack were nationals of Russia, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan.[1]

Newsbud Exclusive-The Travels of NATO Chief Jens Stoltenberg: An Analysis

An exposé on the expansionist agenda of NATO which shows no intention of slowing down!
We travel to people and places important to us. If somebody looked at our travel itineraries over time, it would not be difficult to discover our priorities, our likes and dislikes, our beliefs and fears, the general pattern of how we live our lives and what we think about.

Newsbud Report with Peter B. Collins- Episode #2

Did we just finish Mainstream Media Malpractice Week? We examine the media’s premature projection of Hillary Clinton as Democratic nominee. We report on the FBI’s expanding use of paid informants in “domestic terrorism” cases, like the recent convictions in Minneapolis; and the FBI’s push for expanded powers to monitor internet activity. We examine NY Gov. Cuomo’s order to punish supporters of boycotts of Israel, and journalist Max Blumenthal comments in our interview. In our Newsbud Exclusive, Prof.

Exciting Updates & A Message from Peter B. Collins

Nineteen days to go, and we’re two-thirds of the way there! Thank you so much for your support and pledges.
We’re getting close, but we still need your assistance. We will only receive funding for our project if we reach our goal of $150K by June 21. Please help by pledging whatever you can. We also need you to tell others about our project. Take a look at this video from Peter B. Collins, and share it with people you know who may want to help create a 100% people-funded media outlet.