
The Truth About Hamas

by Gary Gindler, American Thinker: Hamas — the Gaza branch of the Muslim Brotherhood –murdered approximately a thousand people on the 50th anniversary of the Yom Kippur 1973 War.  While Israeli armed forces deal with the attack, the ideological brothers-in-arms of the perpetrators in the West celebrate.  Countless demonstrations have been organized worldwide — from […]

8-Year-Old ‘Vaccine Poster Child’ Dies after Sudden Heart Attack

by Frank Bergman, Slay News: An 8-year-old boy, who was featured in a national campaign to promote Covid vaccines for children, has tragically died after suffering a sudden heart attack. Yonatan Moshe Erlichman from Israel died unexpectedly after suffering cardiac arrest while taking a bath. The boy reportedly slipped under the water after his heart […]

In a stunning admission, Henry Kissinger just endorsed the premise of my book, ‘Stealth Invasion’

by Leo Hohmann, Leo Hohmann: In a shocking admission, the longtime CIA operative and globalist insider has a massive ‘oops we shouldn’t have done that’ moment. This mea Culpa comes 40 years too late At the age of 100, globalist Henry Kissinger seems to have had a sudden burst of conscience not typically found in […]

Dumbocracy Achieved: ACT Test Scores For US Students Drop To 30-Year Low

from ZeroHedge: The government-enforced lockdown of schools and months of forced remote learning during Covid have devastated the education of America’s future leaders. New data on ACT college admissions tests shows high school students’ scores have plunged to the lowest in over three decades. According to data published by ACT, the nonprofit organization that administers the […]

Fed’s Vice Chair for Supervision Says Another Financial Crisis Could Cost U.S. $5 Trillion to $25 Trillion – Potentially as Much as 100 Percent of GDP

by Pam Martens and Russ Martens, Wall St On Parade: On Monday, Michael Barr, the Vice Chair for Supervision at the Federal Reserve, addressed a contentious issue in a speech before the American Bankers Association’s annual convention in Nashville. The topic was why federal banking regulators have proposed higher capital levels for the largest U.S. […]