
And Now This: US Must Be Ready For Simultaneous Wars With China, Russia, Bipartisan Report Warns

by Paul Joseph Watson, Summit News: It’s only appropriate that at a time when the senile commander in chief is preparing to unleash several mushroom clouds of “world peace” – which is code for the Nobel prize committee to give the “big guy” his long overdue Peace Prize as the world teeters over the edge […]

“A Certain Sacrifice”: Madonna’s First Movie That Ends With a Satanic Ritual Sacrifice

from Vigilant Citizen: The first movie Madonna ever appeared in portrays her character as a sex slave who gets abused repeatedly. Also, the movie ends with a satanic ritual sacrifice that some believe was real, making “A Certain Sacrifice” an actual snuff film. Here’s a look at this disturbing piece of movie history. The least […]

Sincere question: Why would the Rothschilds, one of the richest families on the earth, be selling off their private collection of heirlooms, art, and historic pieces when these pieces often serve as a symbol of their high status and power?

Sincere question: Why would the Rothschilds, one of the richest families on the earth, be selling off their private collection of heirlooms, art, and historic pieces when these pieces often serve as a symbol of their high status and power?When you browse the goods, they aren't… — Green Lives Matter (@Ultrafrog17) October 16, 2023

Biden Devalues American Citizenship

by Paul Craig Roberts, Paul Craig Roberts: President Biden is a traitor to the United States. He is doing everything possible to make illegal immigrant-invaders identical in their rights to US citizens.   The Biden regime has sued Elon Musk’s SpaceX for hiring Americans instead of immigrant-invaders.…  The Biden regime has extended the protection of US […]

Trump is Surging

by Matthew Boose, American Greatness: If the election were held today, Trump would likely defeat Biden – and Democrats know it Few outside some bitter Republican circles are still arguing that Donald Trump can’t win the 2024 election. What was conventional wisdom a few months ago has fallen to pieces. Trump has already won the […]