
Central Nervous System (CNS) Vasculitis: Blood Vessel Inflammation in the Brain Caused by COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines

by Dr. William Makis, Global Research: Confirmed by a new September 2023 Japanese study by Ariyoshi, et. al. Oct. 2023 – Byron, GA – Hannah Bennett graduated from Middle Georgia State University and started struggling with a “viral infection” in Aug.2022. In Jan. 2023 she was diagnosed with CNS Vasculitis and Oct. 2023 MRI showed […]

The Derkach Factor – ‘Ground Zero’ for Biden-Burisma Corruption in Ukraine

from 21st Century Wire: Despite the constant deflections being employed by the Democratic Party and its affiliate media, the scale and scope of Biden family corruption scandal is still growing by the day. From a purely political standpoint, this story has the ability to impact the current 2024 election, and could disable President Joe Biden’s re-election campaign, not to mention a severe blow […]

JFK vs. Curtis LeMay: Nuclear Terror During Cuban Missile Crisis

Reprinted with permission from Greg Mitchell’s newsletter Oppenheimer: From Hiroshima to Hollywood. Part II of Our Look Back at Nuclear Terror During Cuban Missile Crisis Continuing a series begun earlier this week, as we look back 61 years this week to the beginnings of the gravest nuclear crisis of our era, involving JFK, Castro, and … Continue reading "JFK vs. Curtis LeMay: Nuclear Terror During Cuban Missile Crisis"

Biden’s Trigger Treats for Ukraine and Israel

Reprinted from Bracing Views with the author’s permission. In an address to the nation from the Oval Office last night, President Biden promised more trigger treats* for Ukraine and Israel: at least $60 billion for Ukraine and at least $10 billion for Israel in an “aid” package that may reach $100 billion. President Biden urges … Continue reading "Biden’s Trigger Treats for Ukraine and Israel"

FDA Finds ‘Safety Signal’ of Seizures in Children 2-5 After COVID mRNA Vaccines

by John-Michael Dumais, Childrens Health Defense: A new study led by U.S. Food and Drug Administration researchers has identified a potential safety signal linking mRNA COVID-19 vaccines to seizures in children ages 2-5 years old, but the study’s authors cautioned that definitive conclusions cannot be drawn without more rigorous observational research. A new preprint study led by […]