
Census Data Shows 871,000 Californians Left The Imploding State In 2022

from ZeroHedge: California has sustained massive population declines since the Covid pandemic. Residents have been fed up with radical authoritarian progressive politicians, as well as shit-covered streets, imploding metro areas, out-of-control homelessness, open-air drug markets, soaring violent crime and thefts, high inflation, out-of-reach home prices, and much much more. AP News, citing new Census figures, […]

Police Confirm Barack Obama Was on the Scene During Chef’s Death

by Sean Adl-Tabatabai, The Peoples Voice: Massachusetts State Police have confirmed that former President Barack Obama was on the scene during the time of his personal chef’s suspicious death. “The Massachusetts State Police responded to our FOIA request and released their report, with some redactions. According to the report, Obama was on the scene shortly […]

WWIII Explained: The World According to Martin Armstrong

by Kerry Lutz, Financial Survival Network: Kerry and Martin Armstrong discussed various topics related to global politics, economics, and technology. They talked about the inefficiency of communism and the trend of militarizing and weaponizing worldwide. They also analyzed the cyclical nature of the economy, the strength of the dollar, and the potential for China to become the […]

As The US Government Prepares ‘False Flags’ For America, Americans Should Be Angry & Alarmed With Joe Biden Abusing The American People The Same Way He Abuses His Dogs

by Stefan Stanford, All News Pipeline: – America will be judged for the way it treats the Elderly, Children and Animals With the terrorist regime ‘occupying’ Washington DC that knows nothing but endless death and wars, a ‘two-party crime cabal’ that has been at war for nearly my entire lifetime, despite having fooled some back in the 1960’s and 70’s […]

If the CIA and Mossad created Hamas, who created the CIA and Mossad?

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News: Mainstream media aren’t talking about it, but it’s an open secret: some 50 years ago, the US and Israel created Hamas—as an offset and competitor to Yasser Arafat and his Palestine Liberation Organization. It was one more brilliant (aka asinine) example of meddling and launching endless enemies, who […]