News from the Jews

Malaysian Prime Minister, Turkish Politician Speak the Truth About Jews

Mahathir Mohamad, the righteous Malaysian doctor and respected politician who is currently serving as Prime Minister for the second time in his lengthy political career, has been a major critic of world Jewry and their nation-wrecking tactics for years. At a major conference in 2003, Mahathir correctly stated that “today the Jews rule this world by proxy,” drawing condemnation from the organized Jewish community and their Western puppet governments.

ADL Praises Congress for Anti-Semitism Awareness Act

Earlier this week, the Anti-Defamation League – one of the most subversive, anti-American organizations operating with impunity on American soil – released an official memo praising both the House and Senate for introducing the Anti-Semitism Awareness Act, a piece of legislation “which provides important guidance for the Department of Education and the Department of Justice for federal anti-discrimination investigations involving anti-Semitism, including on college campuses,” according to

Trump Meets with Delegation of Rabbis from Chabad-Lubavitch

President Trump hosted a group of rabbis from the radical Jewish sect known as Chabad-Lubavitch, an international Orthodox Hasidic movement with institutions in over 70 countries around the world, at the White House earlier this week. Trump and the rabbis met in the Oval Office, where the president issued a proclamation in honor of “Education and Sharing Day,” according to the Jewish Telegraph Agency.

A Brief Look At Two (((TV Miniseries))) That Have Instilled Weaponized Historical Narratives

I’ve often argued that our collective historical narrative has been weaponized against White people by the organized Jewish community, academia, and the mass media and “entertainment” industry centered in (((Hollywood))). Two historical narratives in particular have been entirely distorted and falsified in order to demonize and slander White people and our accomplishments as well as delegitimize any form of pro-White racial identity: the narrative explaining African slavery in early American history and the official narrative explaining WWII and the purported Jewish “Holocaust”.

U.S. Senate Unanimously Passes Bill to Ensure “Holocaust Survivors” Receive Restitution

Ursula Haverbeck, the courageous and honorable German truth-teller and patriot who has been tyrannical persecuted and harassed by German authorities for simply raising questions and expressing her views about WWII, once stated that the fake “Holocaust” narrative “is the biggest and most persistent lie in history.”