News Items

The U.S. and Saudi Arabia Are About to Make More Disastrous and Idiotic Mistakes – Part 2

In Part 1 of this series, I detailed the recent aggressive power plays initiated by 30-something Saudi princeling Mohamed bin Salman (MBS), who is effectively the absolute leader of Saudi Arabia at this time. I also highlighted how 30-something U.S. princeling Jared Kushner, son-in-law of U.S.

The U.S. and Saudi Arabia Are About to Make More Disastrous and Idiotic Mistakes – Part 1

Many of Donald Trump's core supporters are not particularly keen on Saudi Arabia, and for very good reasons. Candidate Trump exploited this sentiment on the campaign trail, often tweeting in populist terms when it came to the barbaric absolute monarchy. As is too often the case, Donald Trump the President has taken a completely different tack. In fact, his very first foreign visit upon being inaugurated was to Saudi Arabia. This was no accident. It was a very clear and ominous statement of things to come.

America Has an Apex Predator Problem

Donna Brazile's article published in Politico earlier today is one of the most important things written in 2017 when it comes to political impact going forward. Many have pointed out that she's a know liar (true), and have also questioned her motivations for writing this blockbuster article. While it's important to acknowledge these things, they aren't particularly relevant when it comes to impact.

Washington D.C. is Swarming With Unaccountable Parasites

In theory, Americans should be proud of their national capital and all the important work that gets done there. In theory.
In reality, our nation's capital is an utter cesspool of self-serving, unethical and unaccountable parasites. We all know it and, even worse, it's probably a hundred times more grotesque than we can imagine. A distressingly high number of people attracted to this swamp don't go there to do good public work or help the American people. They go in order to enrich themselves at our expense.

America First is a Joke. Wall Street Wins Again

I know I must sound like a broken record by now, but Wall Street owns the U.S. economy and until that's dealt with, the American public will continue to be preyed upon voraciously and lawlessly by some of the most unethical parasites the world has ever seen. Obama was a historical disaster on this issue, coddling and protecting banker oligarchs every step of the way. Trump's no different.
The latest evidence that things are getting even worse came last evening when the U.S. Senate voted to deliver Wall Street another gift on a silver platter.

The First Amendment is Under Serious Assault in Order to Stifle Anti-Israel Boycotts

Assaults on freedom speech can be found in many aspects of American life these days, but one specific area that isn't getting the attention it deserves relates to boycotts against Israel. Increasingly, we're seeing various regional governments requiring citizens to agree to what essentially amounts to a loyalty pledge to a foreign government in order to participate in or receive government services.
I'm going to highlight two troubling examples of this, both covered by Israeli paper Haaretz. The first relates to Kansas.

A Political Realignment is Necessary – The Real Struggle is Liberty vs. Authoritarianism

Until the American public ceases bickering amongst itself along Democratic and Republican or "left" vs. "right" lines, we'll continue to be divided and conquered by authoritarians who wield tremendous power throughout both sides of the traditional political spectrum. This isn't to say there aren't real, meaningful differences between those who classify themselves on the "left" or the "right," but it is to say there's a much bigger battle afoot and nothing's going to get better until we frame the new political reality for what it is.

Surprisingly, I’m Quite Optimistic About the Future

To summarize, in just the last few years the world has invented a way to create software services that have no central operator. These services are called decentralized applications and they are enabled with crypto assets that incentivize entities on the internet to contribute resources — processing, storage, computing — necessary for the service to function.