News & Comment

PBC News & Comment: Impeachment Day Brings Sorry Display of Projection and Denial

GOP cultists stand behind their stable genius, repeating his incoherent arguments contained in Trump’s bizarre and rambling letter to Pelosi…--Pelosi opened the session, “Trump made us do it” as Republicans use doges and stalling tactics to little avail
--Read Trump’s letter, here
--Trump will seek comfort from his cult at a mob rally in Battle Creek, MI tonight

PBC News & Comment: Trump’s Senate Trial is Being Rigged in Broad Daylight

McConnell and Graham brazenly display deep bias, as Mitch and Chuck Schumer duel over witnesses and procedure before House vote…--Schumer wants to call the key witnesses Trump has blocked from House inquiry, and McConnell sharpens his considerable skills at obstruction
--House Rules Committee is working on procedure for tomorrow’s impeachment vote, GOP will bring WWE rules
--Rudy Giuliani breaks silence, brags about getting Ambassador Yovanovitch fired
--Trump latest ethics violation: failure to report Giuliani’s work as non-cash donation

PBC News & Comment: Dark, Depressing Day in UK and US

The impeachment-lite committee vote portends system failure, as GOP cult fully protects their criminal, con-man leader with insidious partisanship…--the two articles of impeachment were voted out of Judiciary this morning on partisan lines, as credulous loyalists act with impunity
--current House vote tallies show some Dem defectors, no GOP

PBC News & Comment: GOP Circus Tries to Derail Impeachment-Lite

As Democrats move to pass 2 articles of impeachment along party lines, Republiclowns use every available diversion tactic in the book…--in political ping pong, D’s and R’s trade same old talking points to the point that nobody’s listening
--new poll shows Americans don’t understand the steps of impeachment and 47% support impeachment and removal of Trump
--WashPost lists 27 arguments the Republicans repeat over and over

PBC News & Comment: Are Dems Doing “Impeachment Lite”?

Democrats unveil only two articles of impeachment today, apparently excluding Mueller obstruction claims, Cohen guilty plea and other clear crimes…--Dems have been cagey about their plans, but it appears they will only vote on articles related to abuse of power and obstruction of Ukraine probe
--we go deep on Inspector General’s report, which is narrow in scope and allows both parties to cherry-pick favorable findings
--read the IG report here

PBC News & Comment: IG Finds “no bias” in Start of FBI Trump/Russia Probe

Inspector General says FISA mistakes were made but Trump/Russia investigation wasn’t biased…as separate investigator, John Durham, disagrees about “predication”….--IG identifies 17 errors in FISA applications, PBC says secret court should be abolished
--House Judiciary processes 52-page report on legal basis for impeachment
--in morning session, Dems make case for urgency of removing Trump, as Republicans distract with rhetorical spitballs

PBC News & Comment: Mayor Pete and Mayor Mike Draw Deserved Scrutiny

Buttigieg’s 3-year stint with capitalist tool McKinsey is scrutinized, as Bloomberg is caught in lie about “stop and frisk” apology….--McKinsey does a lot of dirty work for corporate America, but Buttigieg says he can’t talk about it due to non-disclosure agreement
--CBS anchor Gayle King pins Bloomberg down on timing of his apology for stop-n-frisk as the billionaire touts his gun control plans
--in Iowa, Joe Biden bungles exchange with voter who asked question about Hunter and Ukraine

PBC News & Comment: Guardian Reveals Foreign Network Spewing Hate in US, and It’s Not From Russia

Israel-based clickbait network with a million followers profits from Islamophobic Facebook posts, some targeting Reps. Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib…--read the report, here
--breaking the bipartisan silence, documentary filmmakers sue to block rules that require visa applicants to disclose all social media handles
--Pelosi wants to deliver impeachment vote before Christmas

PBC News & Comment: New Round of Impeachment Hearings Begins

In Judiciary hearing, Dems focus on 3 law professors who support impeachment, but GOP pick Jonathan Turley shouldn’t be ignored…--Turley is not a Trump supporter, but argues that this approach to impeachment is too narrow, and too fast
--Rudy Giuliani is jetting around Europe shooting TV interviews with pro-Trump One America News
--at NATO conference reception, world leaders mocked Trump in moment caught on video
--this time, Trump defended NATO from attacks by Macron and other leaders
--Mr. No Malarkey, Joe Biden, unveils tax plan that’s very moderate