News & Comment

PBC News & Comment: As Warren Exits, Ingrained Sexism Blamed

Warren is correct that deep-seated sexism and “electability myth” hampered her campaign….but why didn’t Dem women vote for female candidates?--and Democratic women are silent as DNC changes debate rules—again—to eliminate Tulsi Gabbard; Caitlin Johnstone says Tulsi has been “erased”
--Ryan Grim explains why Warren should endorse Sanders

PBC News & Comment: On Super Tuesday, Lemming Democrats Swung to Biden

Driven by fear and learned helplessness, Boomer Democrats chose fatally flawed Biden as directed by party leaders and media gatekeepers….--Boomer turnout was very strong, Bernie’s millenials and Gen Z, not so much
--Bloomberg claims American Somoa and “biggest loser” title as he exits, leaving clear impression that his real goal was to stop Sanders
--Elizabeth Warren continued losing streak, failing to win home state of Mass, seems ready to drop out, making it a race between 2 old white guys

PBC News & Comment, 3.2.20: In Suicide Pact, Dem Leaders Rally Around Biden

2016 redux, as Obama’s “hidden hand” leads Democratic establishment to close ranks behind another obviously flawed candidate, as Berniephobia rules….--voters will have first chance to support Bloomberg vs. Biden scrum
--Warren is staying in, but doesn’t expect to win a state tonight
--Bernie faces crucial test—do enough Dems want radical change?
--party leaders have bet large on a lame, tired horse, again

PBC News & Comment, 3.2.20: Klobuchar Exits, Right Behind Buttigieg and Steyer

2 weeks after Bloomberg called for thinning the herd, frightened moderates bail out, but many Super Tuesday voters have already voted….--Klobuchar had to cancel Minneapolis rally due to protesters; Mayor Pete bets on the future; Tom Steyer got bupkis for $175 million
--Biden’s momentary gain in South Carolina is spun wildly by media gatekeepers
--despite the shuffle, most California voters have already mailed ballots, so impact may be minimal

PBC News & Comment: No Winners in Lousy Debate on CBS

In Charleston, a terrible debate where moderators promoted attacks by candidates, leading to chaotic forum that’s an insult to voters…--Sanders was combative and red-faced at times, but held his own as all candidates had rehearsed lines of attack; it was not Bernie’s best night, but he didn’t lose
--Sanders attacked Bloomberg in his first sentence, and Warren took over from their, taking the billionaire down a few notches
--NY Times pundits rank Sanders, Buttigieg and Warren as top 3

PBC News & Comment: Tonight’s Special Guest at Debate—Fidel Castro?

Based on Anderson Cooper’s gotcha question, Dems will gang up on Sanders for 40-year-old comments about Castro as they ignore regime change wars…--after last week’s focus on Bloomberg, survival of all other candidates depends on undermining Bernie
--Sanders is prepared for the question “How do you pay for it?”

PBC News & Comment: OK, Boomers, Time to Deal With Berniephobia

Sanders wins decisively in Nevada, spooking moderate Dems and winning in almost every category, except Boomers, who seem very afraid….--Sanders demonstrated strong support among blacks, Latinos, self-described “moderates”; boomers are afraid of the old socialist
--Bloomberg and establishment Dems see Bernie dominating on Super Tuesday—next week—and no room for anybody else to catch up
--Buttigieg slipped under the viability threshold, so he demands a recount and trashes Sanders

PBC News & Comment: Bloomberg Caves to Warren’s Pressure on NDA’s

Elizabeth Warren notches a win over billionaire Bloomberg, who reverses debate position, will release women from gag agreements over harassment….--as Bloomberg’s spending passes $450 million, campaign releases selectively edited video of Las Vegas smackdown debate
--Democrat who almost beat Peter King in 2018 blames Bloomberg’s support of the neanderthal congressman
--AOC is building progressive campaign operation to support challengers
--Sanders will be on 60 Minutes this Sunday, and slams Bloomberg in promo clip