News & Comment

PBC News & Comment: Californians Ordered Confined to Home Base

Gov. Newsom extends Bay Area rules statewide as Illinois, Florida and New York increase restrictions on people and businesses….--our Covid 19 daily report, edited by Linda Lewis
--Twitter tightens policy on virus info, but allows billionaire bad boy Elon Musk to falsely claim “children are essentially immune”
--listener Colleen McGuire shares reports that 99% of deaths in Italy are related to pre-existing medical problems

PBC News & Comment: Trump Fights Virus with Racism, Media Attacks

Our calm and stable genius repeatedly refers to “Chinese Virus” as he continues to blame media for richly deserved criticism…--borrowing Biden’s smear of Sanders in last debate, Trump says the press are “siding with China”
--in today’s news conference, Trump peppered his comments with attacks on media
--former CIA guy Phil Giraldi probes the source of the coronavirus, says US, Israel and China are main suspects

PBC News & Comment: ‘Coronavirus Primary’ Derails the Revolution

Bernie Sanders hasn’t quit, but is “reassessing” after more primary losses that undermine the little credibility remaining in US elections….--at Shadowproof, Kevin Gosztola delivers a roundup of yesterday’s primaries
--Dems who’ve been pushing “vote Blue no matter who” have delivered the lowest common denominator, an obviously flawed candidate likely to lose to Trump
--will either party hold a live convention this summer?

PBC News & Comment: Hunkered Down on St. Pat’s Day, Trump Promises Party Cash

Trump scuttles payroll tax cut for plan to send cash to Americans hurt by pandemic, after handouts to banks, airlines and hotels…--after reporting he tested negative for coronavirus, Trump figured it could kill him politically, now acts like he’s really serious about the pandemic
--7 Bay Area counties ordered to shelter in place, but it’s not martial law
--our daily update, edited by Linda Lewis

PBC News & Comment: Strange Days Have Found Us

Panicked, selfish Americans are hoarding food and bum wipes, but in less than 48 hours, 7,000 Americans erased Chelsea Manning’s court fines….--US is heading toward shutdown, which Dr. Fauci is calling for
--our valued listener and Covid-19 editor Linda Lewis made a powerful statement on Facebook
--Most primaries set for Tuesday will be held, but expect very low turnout

PBC News & Comment: Cruel Judge Finally Releases Chelsea Manning

Manning’s courageous refusal to testify in WikiLeaks grand jury led to outrageous one-year imprisonment, suicide attempt this week…
PBC News & Comment, 3.13.20: Cruel Judge Finally Releases Chelsea Manning
Manning’s courageous refusal to testify in WikiLeaks grand jury led to outrageous one-year imprisonment, suicide attempt this week…

PBC News & Comment: Trump Raises the Drawbridge at Fortress America

Even as he stumbled through scripted speech acknowledging Covid-19’s rise, Trump telegraphed that he only cares about numbers and optics…--Joe Biden delivers coherent talk about the pandemic, stressing that actions should be based on science; Bernie Sanders will address it later today
--listener Linda Lewis has volunteered to compile a daily coronavirus update for us
--rushing ahead of ill-timed recess, House passes relief bill
--Trump’s Oval Office teleprompter speech was tedious, and inaccurate

PBC News & Comment: Sanders Persists As Biden Widens His Lead

In reversal of fortunes, Biden’s inexplicable rebound and decreased young voter turnout for Sanders enable second term for Trump….--Bernie says he will stay in the race and debate Biden on Sunday, as he pivots message to defeating Trump
--Tuesday’s primaries were devastating to Sanders, as Boomers swarm to Biden and young voters stayed home

PBC News & Comment: In Virus Response, Trump Only Cares About Low Numbers

Trump’s denial of the pandemic risk and unfocused response reveal his top concern: keeping the numbers of infected and killed as low as possible….--cut to payroll tax would increase paychecks a little, but it’s more like a loan to be paid back with income tax payments next year; how ‘bout Andrew Yang’s “Freedom Dividend”?
--the mostly non-American crew of Grand Princess cruise ship will be quarantined on the ship, not permitted to enter US
--Italy imposes national lockdown, and NY Gov. Cuomo locks down New Rochelle

PBC News & Comment: Candid Advice for Bernie and Joe

Sanders needs to modify campaign scripts to attract fearful voters; Biden and supporters need to deal honestly with Joe’s cognitive issues….--PBC’s “tough love” tips include redefining “democratic socialism”, leaving door open to some private health insurance, stop yelling, expand foreign policy
--in op-ed, former CNBC producer is candid with tips for Biden to “finish off” Sanders, including hiding the candidate