News & Comment

PBC News & Comment: Kent State Massacre Was 50 Years Ago Today

Thuggish GOP Gov. Jim Rhodes deployed National Guard, allowed shoot-to-kill, and in 13 seconds 4 students were killed in Ohio…--along with Orangeburg, SC and Jackson State, MS, Kent State shaped my distrust of government
--did Joe Biden know that Senate and National Archives would refuse his request to search for complaint that Tara Reade says she filed?
--NY Times, late to the Reade story, runs editorial calling for investigation

PBC News & Comment: To Tara Reade’s Accusations, Biden Says “Never Happened”

In MSNBC interview, Mika Brzezinski pressed Biden on archived documents, but never raised the corroborating witnesses or other women’s complaints--Buzzfeed reporters got candid, pre-interview comments from Tara Reade
--in wrenching commentary, Caitlin Johnstone reveals that she’s been raped multiple times

PBC News & Comment: FBI Says Assange and Stone Communicated—in 2017

Newly released documents from FBI show direct messages between Roger Stone and Julian Assange, long after the 2016 campaign….--unsealed FBI documents in Michael Flynn case show top officials wanted to avoid the appearance of entrapment when he lied about contact with Russian ambassador
--new report on FISA court shows that FBI warrant requests dropped in 2019
--Trump wants the spies he says lie to get evidence that Covid-19 came from Wuhan labs

PBC News & Comment: Shrinks’ Org Works to Suppress Commentary on Our Stable Genius

American Psychiatric Association works with media to downplay and dismiss psychiatrists who publicly call Trump unfit, despite clear public evidence….--thanks to Ford Greene for sharing this revealing report by Joshua Kendall
--we get informed comment on the “Goldwater rule” from Dr. Justin Frank, author of Trump on the Couch

PBC News & Comment: New Documentary Undermines “Green Energy Revolution”

New movie from environmentalist Jeff Gibbs exposes green energy as an illusion, argues that environmental leaders have led us astray…--hard truths and exposure of green leaders are deeply disturbing, watch the movie Planet of the Humans for free here
--in alarming anti-democratic move, 2-man NY state elections commission suspends presidential primary and uncontested state and local races

PBC News & Comment: Binge-watching Himself on TV, Trump Desperately Seeks Miracles

His musing about injecting chlorine to kill Covid were prompted by anger, dejection over TV coverage, and letter from religious nutcase…--NY Times cites White House insiders who report that the stable genius watches 6 hours of morning TV and feels isolated and downcast
--The Guardian reveals letter from Mark Grenon, who runs pro-chlorine “church” Genesis II and touts industrial bleach as “miracle cure” banned by FDA

PBC News & Comment: Autocrats Cuomo, McConnell Spar Over Aid to States

As Mitch McConnell spikes hopes for “blue state bailouts”, Gov. Cuomo fights back against partisanship and Mitch’s loopy bankruptcy idea…First up: new Rolling Stones song and video, Living in a Ghost Town watch it here:
--both combatants have authoritarian streaks and partisan backers, but Cuomo is right on this one—watch his comments here

PBC News & Comment: On 50th Earth Day, 2 Very Different Podcasts

Interview with Earth Day co-founder and PBC’s hero Pete McCloskey explains history, and Carleen Cullen offers education, engagement for kids…
--the McCloskey podcast is here
--and before we dive into today’s news, here’s a great new musical satire from Roy Zimmerman: The Liar Tweets Tonight, watch it here
--Trump’s latest division and distraction device: a return to immigrant bashing

PBC News & Comment: The Real ‘Fake News’ of Organized Mini-Mobs

Led by Fox, corporate media amplify orchestrated protests over stay-at-home orders, and Trump approves contradiction of his own orders…--as noted here Friday, the staging of protests—including gun displays—are part of Trump political strategies that reinforce his anti-government pose incoherently
--and it’s not just FoxCNN and NY Times legitimize the rabble