News & Analysis

Jewish-Israeli Passengers Hijack Airline’s Integrity

It is not only damaging to an airline’s reputation to be taken hostage by passengers calling the shots as to who they deem suitable to fly with them, but places all passengers rights and safety,  anywhere, on any plane, at risk to racial profiling and discriminatory demands at the whim of bigots such as the arrogant Jewish- Israeli passengers on Aegean Airlines

Vacy Vlazna

Mr. Trump, The Muslims I Know!

Mr. Trump, I am an American of Christian Arab background who grew up in Jesus’ home town of Nazareth.
I attended Catholic and Orthodox schools all my life. In fact, it was Lubbock Christian University in Texas that attracted me to immigrate to the United States.
Christmas has always been an important holiday for me, not only as a marker for my religion, but also as an opportunity to reflect on my life, as it’s been shaped by love and friendships.

Obama’s Tears

And that is America. Fine-tuning and Tears are about as fitting for the state of America as they would be on the Russian Front in World War II, the most horrendous conflict in all of human history in which 27 million Soviets and millions of Germans perished. 

“Even those tears, I me mine
“I me mine, I me mine” – the Beatles
by John Chuckman

Why Won’t US Talk to Russia?

One does not have to love Mother Russia or Vladimir Putin to appreciate that it is in America’s interest to develop a cooperative relationship based on shared interests

by Philip Giraldi
With relations between Washington and Moscow at a low ebb, can simply talking to Russians provide hope that there might still be room for cooperation?