New York Transit Museum

Film Watch: The fact is, there are a lot of people who've never HEARD of "North by Northwest"!

The start of the crop-dusting scene from North by KenYou can watch more of the crop-dusting scene here, but be warned that the yutz who posted it has, incredibly, added music to the scene, explaining, "When I first saw it I thought there'd be music but it never came so, I added my own." Yikes!The Blu-ray of North by Northwest includes, among a cornucopia of special features, an hour-long one on Alfred Hitchcock called The Master's Touch, featuring comments by a fascinating array of observers, among them many filmmakers,

What does my evening with Gay Talese and Sam Roberts have to do with The New Yorker's announcement of its new paywall system?

While thinking about The New Yorker's announcement of its new online paywall system, I saw Gay Talese talk about the new 50th-anniversary edition of his chronicle of the building of the Verrazano Bridge in conversation with the NYT's Sam Roberts at the NY Transit KenOkay, the time has come. We knew it was going to happen.

Urban Gadabout: Curiosity (Plus news from OHNY, MAS, the NY Transit Museum, and Jack Eichenbaum, including another trek on the No. 7 train)

On Saturday, September 6, Norman Oder leads the MAS walking tour "Long Island City, Queens in Flux: Court Square and Hunters Point." I've done at least six or seven tours with Norman now, and they've all been tremendously KenIf you look among the newly announced September, October, and November walking-tour offerings of the Municipal Art Society at the description of Francis's Morrone's September 28 tour, "T

Urban Gadabout: Summer gadding around the outer boroughs of NYC, with news from MAS, Jack Eichenbaum, and the NY Transit Museum

Lighthouse Park at the northern tip of Roosevelt Island -- we'll be there tomorrow evening for the Municipal Art Society's walking tour, Roosevelt Island: The Northern KenI haven't been writing much about my late-spring and summer wanderings, but after my enforced decommissioning in late April and May, I've been getting my rhythm back, and having some especially good times outside Manhattan.