New York Times

Half a Pulitzer Prize to the Wall Street Journal

By Ron Unz • Unz Review • August 23, 2020

For forty years I carefully read the New York Times in hard copy each and every morning, eager to discover what had transpired since the previous day. But just in the last few months, my commitment has begun to flag, and my eyes often only lightly glance at half or more of the articles and their columnar headlines.

Media ramps up campaign to get Biden out of debates, offering various excuses other than their candidate’s failing mind

By Tony Cox | RT | August 4, 2020

Media outlets from the New York Times to CNN to Newsweek have offered Joe Biden various reasons over the past several days to skip debates with President Donald Trump. None mentions Biden’s fading ability to speak coherently.
A New York Times opinion piece Monday suggested that presidential debates should be scrapped altogether because they’ve “never made sense as a test for presidential leadership.”

Where is the outcry about THIS black man, murdered for supporting Trump? [Video]

A black man named Bernell Trammell was shot, execution style, as he sat a lawn chair in front of his office. This happened in broad daylight, at 12:30pm local time, Thursday July 23rd, 2020. The assailant is still at large.
CNN didn’t cover this.
MSNBC didn’t cover this.
The New York Times did not pick this up.
Neither did The Washington Post
Nor did CBS, NBC, or ABC in their newscasts.

Black Lives Matter: the largest and most effective US social movement in history?

Black Lives Matter: the largest and most effective US social movement in history? by Ian Sinclair Morning Star 13 July 2020 Like many people I’ve followed and been inspired by the extensive news coverage of the Black Lives Matter protests in the United States. But I really didn’t understand their extraordinary size until I read […]

Sandmann Settles With Washington Compost, UFOs & Ghislaine Maxwell Docs To Be Released - FF Ep86

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Henrik and Lana cover the latest news in episode 86 of Flashback Friday.
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