The New York Times

NYT: “What to Get Theresa May for Christmas?” Answer: Adults in the Room!

LONDON — If Santa is listening, here’s a suggestion about what to deliver Prime Minister Theresa May of Britain and David Davis, her chief Brexit negotiator: a copy of Yanis Varoufakis’s “Adults in the Room.”
Mr. Varoufakis is the former Greek finance minister and his book sets out in excruciating detail the story of the 2015 negotiations between Greece’s government and its creditors. It feels like necessary reading for the Brexit team.

New York Times review of ‘Adults in the Rooom’, by Justin Fox

“A gripping tale of an outspoken intellectual’s sudden immersion in high-stakes politics,… an attempt to divine why smart, seemingly decent politicians and bureaucrats would continue pushing a pointlessly cruel approach long after its pointlessness had become clear.”

“Varoufakis wasn’t always trying to make waves. And he seems to have approached his chief task with great seriousness.”

Why the Greek Bailout Went So Wrong
 by Justin Fox, New York Times, 17th November 2017 (Click here for the NYT site)

Top Five Major Newspapers Run 18 Opinion Pieces Praising Syria Strikes – Zero Are Critical

The Washington times editorial: With Strike on Syria, Trump Sends a Global Message. (Screenshot)
Five major US newspapers—the New York Times, Washington Post, USA Today, Wall Street Journal and New York Daily News—offered no opinion space to anyone opposed to Donald Trump’s Thursday night airstrikes. By contrast, the five papers ran a total of 18 op-eds, columns or “news analysis” articles (dressed-up opinion pieces) that either praised the strikes or criticized them for not being harsh enough:
New York Times

The Mainstream Media’s ‘Victimhood’ Complex

The Washington Post’s front page displaying it’s new motto: “Democracy dies in darkness.”
It’s heartwarming that The New York Times and The Washington Post are troubled that President Trump is loosely throwing around accusations of “fake news.” It’s nice and that they now realize that truth does not reliably come from the mouth of every senior government official or from every official report.