New York State

The Republican Party Still Exists In New York-- But Just Barely

Rep. Yvette Clarke (D-Brooklyn)I'm from Brooklyn. I went to PS-197 and then James Madison High School. So did Ken-- not to mention Bernie Sanders, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Chuck Schumer and… Norm Coleman. When Ken, Chuck and I were kids, the congressman was the dean of the House Dems, Emanuel Celler, who served from 1923 to 1973. [An opponent of civil rights he was finally defeated in a primary by a more progressive Democrat, Elizabeth Holtzman.

Can "Ex"-Blue Dog Steve Israel Be Beaten... Preferably In A Primary?

When making an excuse for reappointing Israel chairman of the DCCC, despite his dismal failure in 2012, the nicest thing Nancy Pelosi could muster to say about his abilities was that he's "reptilian." Although he claims he performed so horrifically in 2012 because his wife was divorcing him, he doesn't seem to have learned a thing and is leading the Democrats to doom