New York State

New York Primaries

Zephyr and BernieThe polls close in New York at 9 tomorrow... so there's nothing left to do but vote if you can-- and to sit back and watch the returns come in. I'll update this post as they do. Remember, these are state races, not federal primaries, which already happened.The big ones tomorrow night are the gubernatorial and lieutenant gubernatorial races, the AG race and the state Senate races.

A Case For Zephyr Teachout, Congressional Candidate In NY-19

Records are important. Political figures like Bernie have spent decades building-- what amounts to-- platforms to run on. When Blue America first started urging people to contribute to Bernie, he was a member of the House, a member of the House who had started and led to Congressional Progressive Caucus and who had been working diligently to push a progressive perspective on issues from economic inequality, criminal justice reform and money in politics to issues around war and peace and equal justice for minorities. These are the things that motivated Bernie's public life.

Bernie Stumps With Zephyr Teachout In Upstate New York

Zephyr: "We’ve gotta take on the unholy alliance between corrupt business and corrupt politics and that’s what we’re doing in this campaign."I'm not a big fan of Rasmussen as a polling organization and I don't think any of the polling aggregators even use them in their averages. Nor am I a big fan of the whole silly theme about what happens if Hillary drops out (or even about what happens if Trump drops out).