New York City

If Trump Dies, Will His Moron Followers Put On Masks And Stop Getting The Rest Of Us Sick?

  I live in a nice L.A. neighborhood and if I go out for a walk or to buy groceries I see zero people without masks. Zero. But I talk to friends in other states who tell me it's 50-50 where they live... fully half the people not wearing the masks that can help end the pandemic. They can't be arrested or shot like rabid dogs, even though they are preventing the rest of us from resuming our normal lives and killing hundreds of thousands of us. Worldwide, the pandemic continues raging-- over 35 million cases and over a million deaths.

Tuesday Could Be A Big Day For Progressives In New York-- Maybe Bigger Than Anyone Imagines

Through a Politico prism, the grassroots effort to elect Jamaal Bowman to Congress is a twisted power grab by "the left." Holly Otterbein wrote that "Desperate for victory after watching the presidential nomination slip through their fingers, progressives have found a new cause to rally around.

The Subversion of New York City’s Official Policy to Curb Police Brutality

In early November 1966, my sister and I―armed with a bucket of home-made paste, a wide brush, and a thick roll of “Vote No” posters―headed off from my student apartment on the Upper West Side of Manhattan to plaster the surrounding area with the signs.  The Patrolman’s Benevolent Association (PBA), a very powerful police union, had placed a referendum on the New York City ballot to remove civilians from the Civilian Complaint Review