New Year's

Happy New Years From DWT... And U2

The Rolling Stones were my favorite band for my whole life-- until 1979 when I first heard U2. Then they became my favorite band-- at least until I got into The Clash a month later. The Clash are still my favorite band. When the first U2 album was mailed to the press it included the first American story about the band. I wrote it. Boy was an amazing album. I Will Follow made me ditch the Rolling Stones… even after all those acid trips I had taken on the first day their albums were released all through my time in college!

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahWell, here we are, New Years Eve. Happy New Year everybody! Another year of Republican Party infestation is about to go bye-bye, but the consequences will linger on and on.Tonight's meme is a very accurate depiction of the current Republican Party platform. Since it's Sunday, I'll just add one more thing that fits Republicans to a T: Praise the Lord, Ignore his teachings!

Happy New Year-- But Not In Dubai

You may know that I'm an inveterate traveler-- and have been since I first left my parents home in Brooklyn at age 16 and hitchhiked-- with $48 in my pocket; there were no credit cards back then (at least that I am aware of)-- to Los Angeles in order to stow away on a ship-- a series of ships-- to go make a new life on Tonga. I never got to Tonga, having been caught on the first ship, bound for Hawaii. But eventually I managed to travel to 100 countries-- theoretically a member of the Century Club-- normally just ones I want to visit.