New World Order

The Dissolution of Liberal Universalism

For a long time, the towns and cities of Europe (and the rest of the world) grew organically around the social, economic and political needs of the people. The result was the well-known, and much-loved, forms of ancient city, town and village, built from wood, brick or stone. This pattern remained unchanged for centuries. Then came two ‘World Wars’.

China and the U.S.: The 21st Century’s ‘Great Game’

From 1830 to 1895, the British and Russian empires schemed and plotted over control of Central and South Asia. At the heart of the “Great Game” was England’s certainty that the Russians had designs on India. So wars were fought, borders drawn, and generations of young met death in desolate passes and lonely outposts.

The Inter Coronavirus Period and A New Vision for 21st Century Life

As these words are bing written the Covid-19 Pandemic is cooling down in many countries. Signs for social distancing are starting to fade in the sunlight and grocery store employees are now the only ones still wearing masks. The Mainstream Media however, is prepping the masses for a “second wave” of the Coronavirus which should hit in early autumn. And so as vacation weather subsides we may have to go back into our homes for another stint of isolation.