New Survey Shows

Majority of Americans Blame Covid Vaccines for Unexplained Deaths, New Survey Shows

by Rebekah Barnettt, Daily Sceptic: A year ago, American polling company Rasmussen Reports found that 28% of Americans believed they knew someone who died due to Covid vaccines, with almost half of survey respondents attributing “a significant number of unexplained deaths” to the vaccines. Now, a new Rasmussen Reports survey reveals that a year on, public opinion has not […]

300 Californians Are Ditching State EVERY DAY For Texas Due To Affordability And Lack Of Job Options, New Survey Shows

by Bo Banks, Big League Politics: The California mass exodus is still alive and well. Not only are Americans still leaving California over its out-of-control policies and completely left-wing vision for 2035, but they are ditching the state for Texas. According to a survey from StorageCafe, the exodus is even beginning to speed up: Not only is California […]