The "New Normal"

You’re Probably Already on a Government Extremism List

John & Nisha Whitehead “In a closed society where everybody’s guilty, the only crime is getting caught.” Hunter S. Thompson According to the FBI, you may be an anti-government extremist if you’ve: a) purchased a Bible or other religious materials b) used terms like “MAGA” and “Trump,” c) shopped at Dick’s Sporting Goods, Cabela’s, or Bass …

Here Come the Cyborgs: Mating AI with Human Brain Cells

VN Alexander If you read and believe headlines, it seems scientists are very close to being able to merge human brains with AI. In mid-December 2023, a Nature Electronics article triggered a flurry of excitement about progress on that transhuman front: “‘Biocomputer’ combines lab-grown brain tissue with electronic hardware” “A system that integrates brain cells into a hybrid machine can …

“Growing your own vegetables is bad for the planet”

Kit Knightly Have you ever made a prediction and wished you’d recorded it? Last week, in a phone conversation with a family member, they happened to mention growing their own vegetables, and I said in reply “Enjoy it while you can, they’re gonna start claiming it’s causing climate change soon.” Literally four days later… Apparently, …

Digital Kill Switches: How Tyrannical Governments Stifle Political Dissent

John & Nisha Whitehead “No president from either party should have the sole power to shut down or take control of the internet or any other of our communication channels during an emergency.” Senator Rand Paul What’s to stop the U.S. government from throwing the kill switch and shutting down phone and internet communications in a time …