New Mexico

Albuquerque Police: Spy Tech Too Secret To Confirm We Have It

International Mobile Subscriber Identity catchers — also known as cell-site catchers or Stingrays — simulate cell phone towers, pulling in all cellphone use within a certain distance.
ALBUQUERQUE  — The ACLU sued Albuquerque for information on how its police use Stingray cellphone spying technology, and whether they use it for immigration enforcement, but Albuquerque claims all such records are confidential — including whether they use Stingrays at all.

The Tuah-tah: Bending Like the Willows

About 8500 years ago, hunting/gathering humans, living in the most fertile river valleys on earth, simultaneously discovered agriculture.  And so modern civilization was born.  As Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz brilliantly reported in An Indigenous Peoples’ History of The United States, there were seven fertile cradles from which the advent of plant domestication would sow the seeds of great cities, pyramids, temples, a surplus of food and, in some locations, a societal caste system.  Two in Ch

New Mexico Couple Awarded $1.6 Million in Police Abuse Case

The New Mexico cops did not appreciate Jillian Beck walking away from them after they responded to a neighborhood dispute, prompting an officer to grab her arm, twist it behind her back and slam her to the ground, leaving her with a fractured arm as he planted his knee on her back.
When the woman lifted her head to console her four-year-old son who began crying, the Las Cruces police officer slammed her face on a bed of rocks, leaving her with a broken nose and a bruised and bloodied face.